Excessive sweating

Excessive sweating, a sign of major illness?

Normally during this time of summer, the amount of sweat increases a lot. So many people don't pay much attention to excessive sweating. But you know what? If you don't find the real cause of this excessive sweating, you could be in serious [1] danger.  Because excessive sweating is directly related to some complex diseases.

Dr Vikas Majumder, Senior Interventional Cardiologist at Apollo Multispeciality Hospital, India [2] believes that excessive sweating is a precursor to various major diseases.

So if you don't pay attention to the symptoms of excessive sweating, you too may get unexpected bad news from a family member. You can also fall into great danger.  So, let's find out which serious diseases are associated with excessive sweating, according to a report published daily in the Indian media.

Heart disease

According to experts, if you have heart problems, you [1] will definitely experience excessive sweating. In addition to sweating, symptoms may include chest pain, palpitations, fainting for a while, and problems such as chest tightness or shortness of breath. Your body will sweat excessively [2] if your heart rate is high or low or if you have heart block.


Excessive sweating [1] can also be a symptom of blood sugar. In diabetic patients, sudden drop in blood sugar causes body [1] discomfort and profuse sweating.


Thyroid imbalance can cause excessive sweating. According to experts, due to hyperthyroidism, the human body secretes more thyroid hormones, resulting in increased appetite in the patient.  But the weight keeps coming off.  Along with this, the tendency to excessive sweating also increases.

Brain stroke

Sudden onset of headache. You may feel paralyzed or sweat [1] profusely for several days before a stroke.

Neurological problems

Excessive sweating can be an early symptom of any neurological problem, such as a seizure or a head tumor. So it is very important to find the cause [1] of excessive sweating at the right time.  Doctors believe that it is possible to get rid of serious physical [2] damage by taking the necessary treatment.

Stress and fear

When the body is under stress, excessive worry or fear, the secretion of adrenaline and non-adrenaline hormones increases, activating the autonomic [1] nervous system and causing sweating.

Blood infection

If there is a problem of infection in the blood, it often makes the body hot.  In this problem, the blood pressure decreases a lot.  Due to which the heart fails to pump [3] the required amount of blood to the body.  As a result, the patient's body becomes cold and produces profuse sweating or cold sweat, which can be very dangerous for the patient.