breastfeeding Mother food

• What to eat mother and what not to eat

The only and best source of nutrition for a newborn is mother's breast milk.  But how much do we think about the nutritional aspect of the mother who is providing this nutrition to the child?  It's true that breastfeeding moms don't need a strict diet. However, there are benefits if you add some foods, but you have to be careful if you eat some foods. I will explain it today.

• Which food should increase the amount?

Water is most important for the production of breast milk. Because 88 percent of breast milk is water. Therefore, researchers in the United States and Britain say, "A lactating mother should drink at least one and a half to two liters of water per day." To measure the amount of water, put water in a jug or bottle of two liters and finish drinking water from there throughout the day.

Water requirements can also be met by consuming various nutritious liquids like milk, juice and soup. Eat at least one glass of fruit juice without sugar a day. It is best to have a glass of water or liquid food before everytime breastfeed. Then milk secretion will be easy. Another important aspect is that it helps in absorbing the nutritional value of all meals throughout the day. Also eliminates the risk of digestive problems, constipation, urine infection.

• Calories

Breastfeeding mothers need more calories than usual. Which is about 400 to 600 kilo calories more. Because, making milk consumes a lot of calories from the mother's body. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states said that ‘‘breastfeeding mothers should consume between 2,000 and 2,800 calories per day. 

These calories depend on the mother's age, weight, height, how active she is and how much the baby is breastfed.  But if the mother's weight has increased more than normal, then it is not right to control the weight suddenly. Plan to lose weight gradually over a year.’’

mother protein

• Protein and meat

According to the Britain Department of Health, an adult woman needs between 40 and 50 grams of protein per day. And breastfeeding takes 75 grams. That means 25 grams more than normal. Mothers can get this protein from fish-meat, eggs, pulses, seeds, nuts. Try to eat these foods 3 times a day. 

Milk or milk products contain a lot of protein, so it is better to drink two glasses of milk every day to meet the deficiency of calcium, vitamins and water. But if the mother has Lactose Intolerance, that is, milk is not digested easily, there is gas. Then they can eat chwai, wood nuts. But it is best to consult a good doctor.

• Fat

According to the Health Promotion Board of Singapore, “50% of the calories in mother breast milk come from fat.’’ So breastfeeding mothers need to eat enough unsaturated fats every day. Unsaturated fats are fats that do not freeze at normal temperature. 

These fats are found in fish, poultry, meat, eggs and nuts. Fat plays an important role in the development of the baby's brain and eyes. An adult woman normally needs 20 grams of fat per day. But breastfeeding mother need 45 grams fat per day.

• Sugars or carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are very necessary for the mother's performance and physical development of the child. Carbohydrates are found in large amounts in bread, rice, potatoes and various types of pulses. Add these foods to your daily diet. But it is better to eat these foods as usual. Eating too much this like of food can lead to weight gain.

• Vitamins and fiber

A mother's need for all vitamins increases during breastfeeding. Especially vitamins A, B, C, D, folate and vitamin B twelve. For this, different types of seasonal vegetables such as: Spinach, Kachu , Kalmi , sweet pumpkin vegetables, as well as water-rich vegetables such as: Gourd, Chichinga, lady's finger etc can be eaten. 

Also add seasonal fruits or fruit juices like: banana, papaya, guava, bell, mango jam, jackfruit. According to the health department, it is necessary to eat everyday three kinds of green and yellow vegetables and two kinds of fruits.

New mothers often suffer from constipation. So because of the fiber in these foods, that problem also goes away. Egg yolks contain vitamin D, minerals and other nutrients, which also strengthen baby's bones. The best source of vitamin-D' is the sun. So both mother and baby should always be in light and air. 

However, if you go to a winter country, you may need to take vitamin D supplement medication. That's what Britain's National Health Service says.  If it is not possible to meet all nutritional needs from food, mothers may need to meet nutritional needs from vitamin supplements. It is best to consult a doctor before taking any kind of supplement or medicine.

• Minerals

Lactating mothers have an increased need for minerals like iodine, zinc, iron and calcium. Iodine is found in milk, eggs, local fish, meat and iodized salt.  In addition to these foods, milk, nuts and beans are great sources of zinc and choline. According to the CDC, a mother needs 290 mcg of iodine and 550 mg of choline per day.

On the other hand, mothers need 1000 to 1500 mg of calcium per day.  In order to fulfill the calcium requirement, you should try to eat milk, curd, cheese, fish with bones and meat in the diet. Apart from this, iron is obtained from different types of pulses, cow and goat, liver, meat, milk and eggs.  However, there are certain foods that mothers should avoid.

• That foods to be careful

According to the US Health Line Journal and Centers for Disease Control, caffeine can pass from mother to baby in small amounts through breast milk.  Children can become agitated under the influence of caffeine. As a result he will not want to sleep. A mother can have one to two cups or 300 mg of tea or coffee a day, but not more.  Soft drinks, energy drinks and dark chocolate also contain caffeine.

Read more: Foods that can cause death

• Allergic foods

If the mother is allergic to any food, for example: If the stomach swells after eating milk or if the mouth swells after eating Chinese almonds, the face itches after eating eggplant. Although these foods are nutritious, it is better not to eat them. But if there is no allergy, there is no obstacle to eat, nutritionists say.

Fish with mercury

• Fish with mercury

Seafood is an excellent source of protein. And it also contains essential vitamins and minerals for breastfeeding women. The pros and cons depend on which seafood you eat and how much. Eg: Most fish in the sea contain some amount of mercury.  

which accumulates in fish, meat and can pass to the baby through breast milk. Which can adversely affect the baby's brain and nervous system. This is the claim of the British Department of Health Services. However, there is no harm in eating four ounces of fish two to three times a week.

• Oil-spicy foods are processed foods

Lactating mothers should not eat fried or spicy foods with excess oil. Maintain cleanliness to avoid food borne disease transmission. Along with that, nutritionists have advised to eat well cooked milk, eggs, fish and meat. Many mothers turn to processed foods to avoid the hassle of cooking. But doctors say it is good breastfeeding mothers stay away from processed foods.

Drinking and smoking
• Drinking and smoking

Alcohol, smoking and second-hand smoke, drinking or consumption of tobacco products should be avoided during pregnancy and after childbirth. These can affect the child's development. 

Meanwhile, breastfeeding mothers must consult a doctor before taking any medication or using cosmetic products. If the mother's body is malnourished, if there is a cold, fever, if there is gas in the stomach, if there is less sleep, it will have an indirect effect on her baby.  So it is very important to take care of mother.

Check if the baby is having any problems due to the mother's eating habits. It is important to consult a doctor if the child is getting sick repeatedly, if there is a rash on his skin, apart from flatulence, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, noisy breathing, unnecessary crying.  Keep an eye on our website (netox360.blogspot) for more such content.