
Ways to get rid of constipation

Constipation is a common disease that we often hear about. If there are three or four bowel movements or less in a week, it is called constipation. Let's know which foods can get rid of constipation easily.

Nutritionist Achia Parveen Shampa of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd has listed some foods that can cure constipation.

According to this nutritionist, problems such as tongue coating, abdominal pain or flatulence can occur if stool is not removed properly from the body.  Constipation does not happen overnight. Constipation is caused by various types of irregularities.  Constipation can occur if there is not enough fiber in the daily diet.

Achia Parveen Shampa says, ‘‘Constipation usually starts due to our uncontrolled lifestyle. Constipation is caused by not eating regularly, not going to the bathroom regularly, not eating fiber-rich foods, etc.  Many other complex diseases can occur due to long-term constipation. 

Therefore, people with constipation should include plenty of fiber-rich foods such as vegetables and fruits in their diet. Fiber in vegetables and fruits keeps the digestive system healthy. Also, those with constipation problems should avoid foods high in fat.’’

Achia Parveen also said that ‘‘those who have problems with constipation should do physical exercise regularly. Because being active strengthens the immune system.  People with constipation will try to eat at a specific time each day. Never leave the stomach empty for too long. Try to eat five times a day instead of three. Eat easily digestible foods.

Eating too much of any food, especially fried foods, can cause constipation. Also undereating is responsible for constipation.  Many people stop eating altogether while doing crash dieting. Constipation can occur if there is no balanced and fiber-rich food in the diet. So those who are on a diet will try to lose weight through a balanced diet.  Skipping meals while losing weight can also cause constipation.’’

Nutritionist Achia Parveen Shampa says, “Try to follow a routine every day from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed at night.  Toilets should not be closed for long periods of time.  Go to the bathroom regularly and avoid any kind of oily and fatty foods.

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Papaya contains a lot of fiber so people with constipation can eat papaya to stay healthy.  This fiber helps in relieving constipation.  For those with constipation, try to eat fiber-rich foods daily.  Eat fruits and vegetables every day, especially those that are high in fiber.  Generally, a person should consume 20 to 30 grams of fiber-rich foods per day.

Eat a balanced diet regularly and drink enough water.  Also, those who have constipation should exercise for 45 minutes to an hour every morning or afternoon.  Then it is possible to be free from constipation.

Stay tuned to Netox360 for more detailed information on various health related topics.  And seek expert advice.